From Wimmer Glas to Martin Glas
From 1 March 2025, Martin Glas is expanding its national coverage with the full integration of Wimmer Glas Projects, Service Glasherstel Limburg and Wimmer Glas Handel.
Building the future by joining forces!
The companies Wimmer Glas Projecten and Service Glasherstel Limburg, which have been part of Martin Glas since January 2024, will continue under new names from 1 March 2025.
Wimmer Glass Projects will become Wimmer from 1 March Martin Glas Haelen, while Service Glasherstel Limburg, which merged with Wimmer Glas Handel in 2024, continues as Martin Glas Nijmegen. The familiar brand names Service Glasherstel Limburg, Slotambulance and Glasambulance will remain.
Marcel Beckers, former owner of Wimmer Glas and now ultimately responsible for both branches, sees the name change as a logical step: "By bringing our services together under one strong brand, we create a unified image and working method. This integration allows us to operate more efficiently and better respond to our customers' needs."